7 Claims Adjuster Resume Examples for 2024

Navigating the job market as a claims adjuster requires a resume that reflects deep understanding of policy analysis, claim investigation, and negotiation. This article offers solid examples and expert guidance on building a resume that communicates your value to potential employers. You'll find straightforward tips from a seasoned hiring manager, tailored specifically for professionals in the claims adjustment sector, designed to elevate your job application to the next level.

  Compiled and approved by Liz Bowen
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At a Glance

Here's a look at the top features of strong claims adjuster resumes.

  • Quantifying Impact With Numbers: The best resumes show impact with clear numbers. They include claims processed per day, percentage of claims resolved, average claim settlement time, and customer satisfaction ratings.

  • Matching Skills With Job Descriptions: Include skills you have that are also listed in the job description. Popular ones are policy interpretation, claims investigation, fraud detection, data analysis, and regulatory compliance.

  • Trends In Claims Management: Resumes now often mention technology skills because they're important. Phrases like claims software proficiency or digital claims filing are common.

Where to place education

Put your education section after your experience if you have been working in claims for some time. This shows you have practical skills. But, if you recently finished a relevant course, like a degree in insurance studies, place it before your experience. It highlights your fresh knowledge.

For new graduates aiming to become claims adjusters, list your education first. This can include coursework that is directly related to handling insurance claims, like risk management or law.

Creating strong job narratives

Use simple language to describe accomplishments in adjusting claims. Instead of saying 'key stakeholder engagement', just say 'worked with policyholders and lawyers'. Make clear how you helped settle claims effectively.

List results like the number of claims processed or the value of claims managed. Numbers show your impact. Remember, in adjusting roles, details like this show your capability and success more than in many other jobs.

Ideal resume length

Keep your resume to one page if you have under ten years of experience in adjusting or similar roles. This makes your skills and achievements easy to scan. A two-page resume is good for those with a long history of claims work, offering space to detail all your expertise.

Focus on the most relevant information. For a claims role, emphasize case histories or large-scale claims you have managed. Leave out unrelated work and shorten older roles.

Highlighting claims expertise

Show your understanding of the adjuster's role by highlighting specific skills. Mention tools you use, like claims database software, and certifications, such as the CPCU. These details set you apart in this field.

Display your experience in claims scenarios. Briefly describe complex cases you've handled, like natural disaster claims, which show you can work under pressure. This experience is unique to adjusting and valuable to your resume.

Beat the resume screeners

When applying for jobs, your resume might first be seen by software before a person looks at it. This software is called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). It helps hiring managers sort through many resumes fast. To get past the ATS, make sure your resume is clear and follows these tips.

  • Use job-related keywords like 'claims investigation' and 'policyholder' which are common in claims adjuster work. The ATS looks for these to see if you fit the job.
  • Write your work history in reverse-chronological order. Start with your current or most recent job as a claims adjuster. Then list the ones before it. This makes it easy for the ATS to understand your experience.

Remember to keep the format simple. Use standard headings like 'Work Experience' and 'Education.' Fancy designs or unusual titles can confuse the ATS. Your goal is to show the software that you have the skills and experience needed for the job, so it picks your resume for a person to read.

Customizing your resume

You need to show how your skills and experience meet what the job needs. Let the hiring manager see why you're a good fit for a claims adjuster role without using complex words. Here are ways to make your resume stand out.

  • Spotlight key skills – Show the technical abilities you have, like using claims software and understanding insurance regulations, which are crucial for handling claims effectively.
  • Focus on achievements – Share clear wins like how many claims you've settled or how much you reduced processing time, to show you're good at your job.
  • Show your career path – If you're coming from a different job, highlight your transferable skills. For example, if you've done customer service, this shows you can handle claimants well.
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