7 Bookkeeper Resume Examples for 2024

As a hiring manager, I see many resumes for bookkeeping positions. In this article, we share examples that work and tips for a strong resume. We focus on details like accounting software knowledge and accuracy in financial record-keeping. We highlight the importance of clear, brief points showing your experience and skills in managing transactions and reports. This guidance helps you present your qualifications effectively to employers in the finance sector.

  Compiled and approved by Liz Bowen
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At a Glance

Here's what the best resumes in bookkeeping have in common.

  • Demonstrating Impact With Figures: Top resumes show impact with numbers like transactions processed, error reduction percentages, monthly reports generated, and accounts reconciled. This approach highlights efficiency and accuracy.

  • Matching Skills With Job Description: Include skills you have that are also in the job description. Some key ones are QuickBooks proficiency, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll processing, and financial reporting. Choose those you know well.

  • Adapting To Technology: Good resumes show you are up-to-date. For example, familiar with cloud accounting or experience with mobile payments show that you can adapt to new tech.

Education section placement

When you decide where to place your education section, think about your work history. If you have been working as a bookkeeper for many years, show your work experience first. This tells employers about your practical skills. If you recently finished a relevant degree or certification, place your education first. This highlights your fresh knowledge.

For those new to bookkeeping, list any accounting or business courses you have taken first. If you have practical experience, even from internships or part-time work, mix it with your education details.

Skills for bookkeeping

Bookkeeping needs special skills. Make sure to list them. For example, if you use QuickBooks or other accounting software, this is important to say. Also, detail work with spreadsheets and data entry, as these are part of daily bookkeeping duties.

Understand tax forms is also key. Show any experience you have with preparing or managing tax documents. This will make you stand out to employers looking for a bookkeeper.

Keep resumes concise

Your resume should be one page long if you have less than ten years of experience. This helps employers see your information quickly. Focus on your duties as a bookkeeper, and any software you know. Cut out less relevant jobs and details.

If you are a senior bookkeeper with a long work history, you may go to two pages. Even then, keep it clear. List only the jobs and skills that show you are a good fit for the job you want.

Attention to detail matters

For a bookkeeper, detail is very important. Make your resume error-free to show you are careful. Double-check for mistakes in dates, numbers, and spelling. This shows your good eye for detail.

When describing your experience, use examples of when you caught errors or helped save money. This proves you are thorough and can be trusted with important financial information.

Understanding resume screeners

When you apply for a bookkeeping job, your resume might first be read by a computer program called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This system looks for keywords and phrases that match the job description. To get past the ATS, you need to make sure your resume has the right terms.

Here are some tips for making your resume ATS-friendly:

  • Include keywords like 'financial records', 'accounts payable', 'accounts receivable', and 'reconciliation'. These are common in bookkeeping and show you know the work.
  • Use a simple format with clear headings for sections like 'work experience' and 'education'. Avoid using tables or images that the ATS might not read well.

Use these tips to help your resume reach a hiring manager.

Customize your resume

You want your resume to stand out in a good way. To do that, make it specific to the job you're applying for. Show how your past work will help you do the work of a bookkeeper. Here are ways to make your resume fit the job you want:

  • Use language from the job ad. If the ad asks for someone with 'strong attention to detail,' mention times you caught important errors or improved record accuracy.
  • Show numbers that highlight your impact. For example, use: 'Managed accounts payable, reducing processing time by 30%.'
  • If you're coming from another field, point out similar tasks you've done. If you managed a budget or handled cash, say it. It shows you have skills that transfer to bookkeeping.
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