7 Network Administrator Resume Examples for 2024

If aiming for a role managing networks, a resume must show technical know-how and experience. In this guide, you'll see resume samples that hit the mark, with tips to present skills, certifications, and work history clearly. Whether tackling Cisco systems or setting up VLANs, learn how to list accomplishments in a way that speaks to hiring managers. The focus is on clear, effective communication for job seekers in network administration.

  Compiled and approved by Grace Abrams
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At a Glance

Here's what we see in outstanding network administrator resumes.

  • Quantify Your Impact: Top resumes quantify achievements to show value. Examples include improving network uptime by 99.99%, reducing response time to under 4 minutes, cutting costs by 20%, or handling over 500 user accounts.

  • Match Skills With The Job Description: Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned in the job description. Some in-demand skills are LAN/WAN management, firewall administration, network security, Cisco products expertise, and troubleshooting protocols.

  • Show Adaptability With Tech Trends: Reflect how you stay updated with technology. Mention cloud networking, virtualization, or specific software upgrades like Windows Server 2019.

Structure of your education section

Place the education section at the start of your resume if you've recently finished your studies or have relevant new qualifications in network management. This will show why you may lack recent work experience. Include degrees, certifications, and specific courses that apply to working in network systems, such as CCNA or network security.

If you have been working in the field for a while, list your education after your professional experience. Only include the highest degree and most relevant certifications to keep it concise.

Relevant technical skills

Highlight specific technical skills that are in high demand for a network administrator’s role. Essential skills include knowledge of routing protocols, firewall management, and understanding network diagnostic tools. Make these skills highly visible on your resume. Provide examples where these skills made a difference in your previous roles, such as reducing network downtime.

Length of your resume

Keep your resume to one page if you have less than ten years of experience in network management or related areas. This will make your resume easier to read and focus on your most relevant skills and experiences.

Consider using two pages only if you have extensive experience or multiple relevant certifications that show your expertise and long-term commitment to the industry. Every detail added should add value to your application as a potential network administrator.

Showcase problem-solving abilities

As someone who wants to work in network administration, you need to show your ability to solve complex technical problems. Share examples where you have troubleshooted network issues effectively. These could be times when you identified and fixed network vulnerabilities or when you streamlined network operations for better performance.

Equally, demonstrate that you can work well in a team, as network administration often requires collaboration with other IT professionals and departments within a company.

Beat the resume screeners

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) can be tricky. They scan your resume for keywords that match the job you want. As a network administrator, you must show you have the right skills in your resume. Here is how you can improve your chances:

  • Include keywords like 'network configuration' and 'system troubleshooting' because these are common tasks for network administrators. The ATS looks for such terms.
  • Use clear job titles like 'network support technician' or 'IT network specialist' that are related to network administration. This makes it easier for the ATS to see your experience is a good fit.

Make sure your resume is simple and easy to read. Avoid tables or graphics that the ATS might not understand. Stick to text and use standard resume headings like 'Work Experience' and 'Education'.

Make your resume relevant

When you apply for a network admin job, your resume should show you have the right skills. Talk about the tech you know and how you've used it at work. Show you can solve problems and keep networks safe and running smooth.

  • Highlight tech skills specific to network tasks, like configuring firewalls or implementing VLANs.
  • If you're in a senior position, show how you've led teams. For example, mention how many people you led or when you talked to the big bosses about network changes.
  • If you're coming from a different job, talk about tech tasks you've done before. Like if you've worked with databases or fixed computers, show how that will help you manage a network.

Highlighting impact with numbers

When you share your experience as a network administrator, numbers can show the value you bring. They make your achievements clear and strong. Here's how to add metrics to your resume:

  • Think about the size of the networks you managed. Mention the number of devices or users supported, like 300 workstations or 150 users.
  • Describe how you improved network efficiency. Maybe you increased the speed by 20% or reduced downtime from 5 hours to 1 hour a month.
  • Show how you saved money. Perhaps you cut costs by negotiating vendor contracts, leading to a 10% cost reduction.
  • Did you boost security? Share by how much you decreased incidents, such as reducing security breaches by 40%.
  • Include how many projects you led or were a part of, like managing 10 network upgrade projects.
  • Quantify your training impact by stating how many people you trained, for instance, 25 team members on new protocols.
  • Estimate the time you saved the company by automating tasks, like 30 hours per month with a new script.
  • If you're unsure of exact numbers, you can estimate. Think about before and after scenarios, such as the number of daily support tickets before a major update and after, maybe from 50 tickets to 15 tickets daily.

Use these ideas to think about your own numbers. Even if you don't have exact figures, good estimates can still show your impact.

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